Regatta Committee Racing

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

BYC Sailors.

What a way to finish the May series! Lots-a-wind... The big blow for May
made some boats decide to take this race off and enjoy a Wednesday
evening out. Big boat was the only boat bold enough to fly the chute as
most of us took a #3 and a reef around the course. Sevens and eights
were common I'm sure the sport boats hit bigger numbers.

I need everyone to get in their summer entries ASAP. We've had
multilevel discussions among captains and RC regarding the division
splits and the J70 club boats. After a lot of work and analysis at this
point the only fair option is to return to the status quo and proceed
with last years division splits. The lack of entries to date for the
summer has not helped us as we want to make even splits with the number
of boats. RC's intention is to have a series of meetings after the
summer to develop a new policy for fleet divisions incorporating the
best consensus we can.

Look forward to results from our Sailing director starting soon. Sorry for the formatting I'm out of town working on an iPad.


Sunday, August 7, 2011


29th Annual Sag Harbor Cup is Saturday, Aug. 13, 2011

The 29th Annual Sag Harbor Cup is Saturday, Aug. 13, 2011. The Notice Of Race (NOR) is available on the ELIYA website:

BYC hopes to raise money for it's Youth Sailing Program, but has lowered the entry cost from last year to encourage more racing entrants.

If you hope to race, but are waiting 'til the last minute to decide (hard getting crew - maybe deciding between spinnaker or cruising canvas), then email or fax the completed ELIYA race entry form to me (my info in signature below) by Wednesday and then get it into the mail with your check and 2011 PHRF Certificate to Carol Morse (address in the NOR) by Wednesday night. If you want to enter later than I just described, then you should call Carol at 631-283-6613 or me at 631-287-3205. If you have already turned in a 2011 PHRF Certificate to me for BYC racing, then there is no need to send it again.
Upcoming races are easy to see on the ELIYA website (, so take a look.

It has been suggested that I mention a rule that is sometimes overlooked by some sailors: Some sailors like to push out and/or hold their sails by hand or by using a boat pole, but Rule 50.2 makes it clear that a pole must be attached to the mast. Another rule that is often overlooked is 49.2. It says: "When lifelines are required by the class rules or the sailing instructions they shall be taut, and competitors shall not position any part of their torsos outside them, except briefly to perform a necessary task. On boats equipped with upper and lower lifelines of wire, a competitor sitting on the deck facing outboard with his waist inside the lower lifeline may have the upper part of his body outside the upper lifeline." So a crew member can't hold onto the shrouds, and lean out over the lifelines holding out the clew of a sail for more than a short period of time.

The ELIYA website has been updated to include a US Sailing Protest form (in the "Forms" section). You might want to print one out and keep it on the boat. Just like one might take along an umbrella to keep away the rain, maybe this will keep away the need to use a protest form.

Yours in Sailing,
Joan Worthing
ELIYA Secretary and BYC Scorer
631-287-3205 H&W
631-283-2649 H&W

Friday, June 10, 2011

Skippers and Others,

There was a protest filed Wednesday night by Big Boat against Skoot for Skoot returning to the BW through the North Channel unlike the rest of the fleet that returned through the South Channel. The Sailing Instruction 7.5 is a bit ambiguous. I believe the intention when it was being written was that the boats would only go through the North Channel if "CS" was listed as a mark of the course, but the way it is written could let you interpret it so if your boat is using the North Channel as a leg of the course, you don't need to honor the Gov't Buoys of the South Channel while you are using the North Channel. Some people might like the instructions to stay that way so that boats can make their own choice as to which way to return (although going from "CS" to N12 could put many boats in danger of touching bottom). The RC boat can always add 10A to starboard if they want all of the boats to use the South Channel or "CS" (and perhaps N14 for safety) if they want all of the boats to use the North Channel.

Anyway, Big Boat never put up a red flag or notified the RC boat at the finish line, so they are withdrawing the protest.

I know the Purple Haze, Witchli and Skidip have sent in their PHRF Certificate applications to Tony Dill, but I would like them mailed, emailed or faxed to me ASAP once they get them back from Tony. Buckaroo needs to send in that PHRF application NOW, if they haven't already.

Attached are the results in a more printable format.

Big Boat turned in a protest against Skoot for going through the North Channel instead of the South Channel. They have withdrawn their protest.

Yours in Sailing,

Joan Worthing
BYC Scorer
631-287-3205 H&W
631-283-2649 H&W
631-680-4421 cell (rarely on if I'm home)
Fax: 702-977-7303 (not a local #)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Skippers and others,
I have been notified that the BYC BOD's are hosting a Chili competition/party after the 1st Summer Series race on Wednesday, June 1. Hopefully each boat will enter a Chili. Dark 'n Stormies and soft drinks will be provided.
The BYC BOD is hoping that once again this year some boats will step forward and donate toward the keg's of beer for parties on Wednesday nights. I believe at the Commissioning Party Chris DiSunno said to contact him and he would let you know how you can pay for the keg, but that he would take care of getting the keg set up. Contact Chris at 631-804-4601(cell) or
The Summer Series NOR and Sailing Instructions are attached. If you haven't signed up for the Summer Series yet, please get the Race Entry form from and get it to me soon, so that I can get a Scratchsheet out to the racers by May 31st.
Yours in Sailing,
Joan Worthing
BYC Scorer

Friday, April 22, 2011

Skippers and others, (Please let me know if you want to be deleted from my "Skippers" List)

I've attached the BYC Race Entry Form for all 3 Series (Don't forget there is a discount if you pay for all 3 series by May 6th.), also the May Cup NOR, and the May Cup Sailing Instructions.

I hope all will get their 2010 PHRF Certificates and Entries in as soon as possible, so the results will be as accurate as possible each Wednesday night. Tony Dill is sending out the PHRF Form and info this week, but it is also downloadable from the PBSA website ( and soon should be available from the ELIYA website: You might consider joining ELIYA (for only $25) and save $5 on you PHRF Certificate. The ELIYA membership form is available on the ELIYA website. If you plan on racing in the Sag Harbor Cup, the Maycroft Cup, and the Whitebread, then you would only need to do one more race from the ELIYA Championship Racing Circuit to qualify for the Series. The dates for the races will shortly be updated in the center section of the ELIYA home page and last year's descriptions of the races are on the right in the Offshore section ("Offshore Calendar"). The only race that wasn't covered in last year's descriptions is the SIYC 125th Anniversary Race which will start in Orient Harbor or Gardiner's Bay and will finish at Dering Harbor.There is also a link to US Sailing on the bottom right, to make it easy for you to become a member or renew your membership in US Sailing. There are also links to the other YC's in the East End.

I'll have to let you know later if anyone will be calculating the tentative race results each Wednesday evening at the clubhouse and if a prize will be given to the 1st place boats that night. I also don't know yet if there will be a keg of beer and/or any party food there. I think Jane Babcook ( ) is still the one to contact if you want to contribute to any parties, but not me.

Yours in Sailing,
Joan Worthing
BYC Scorer

Friday, July 30, 2010

Skippers and others,

Impromptu's PHRF certificate had an error when it was first sent out so the new certificate puts the number back to last year's rating, thus the races from 6/16 to 7/14 are now reupdated as of 7/29 to put the results back where they were. The only placing change is on 6/23. Eventually they will be all fixed on the website, but you all got the original correct results with Impromptu's PHRF numbers as 120 and 143.

A bit after 8:30, all the boat names that are signed up for the Summer Series were put in a hat and when a name was drawn, if someone from that boat was there, they picked one of 6 gifts donated by Atlantis Weather Gear (a shirt, a vest, a belt, & 3 hats). This will happen again for the next 2 Wednesdays. The tentative results were then announced and glasses given to the 1st place (w/penalty) boats.

Yours in Sailing,

Joan Worthing
BYC Scorer

Monday, July 19, 2010

We will not be meeting at the club this Wednesday after the race.

The clubhouse has been rented on 7/21, however we will resume the post race BBQ, beer and preliminary results again on 7/28.




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